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Environmental, economic and social commitment

Value creation, ethical and social commitment and respect for the environment, OUR FOCUS.

Corporate social responsability

EULEN Group is a company with very strong values, and our priority is our commitment to social, labor, environmental and human rights concerns, which is reflected in the way we act.

EULEN Group’s strategy is based on the economic sustainability of its companies, stability and diversity in employment, the sustainable use of resources and the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The pillars of EULEN Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility are: sustainable socio-economic development; efficiency in the implementation of transparency measures and good corporate governance; a commitment to diversity, in the four main areas in which we are working: gender, generational, functional and cultural; the integration of groups at risk of exclusion; social action – through the David Álvarez EULEN Foundation – and a commitment to managing environmental impact and climate change.

The next few years have been defined as the decade of action to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At EULEN Group, we are aligned with and contribute to the achievement of some of the 17 SDGs, as shown in the company’s Sustainability Report.

The 4 pillars of our responsibility

Sustainable socio-economic development
Efficiency in the implementation of transparency and good corporate governance measures
Commitment to diversity and integration of groups at risk of exclusion
Commitment to environmental impact and climate change management
Co-responsibility and Transparency

The services provided by EULEN Group have a positive impact on society. The company is an agent of change whose objective, among others, is to improve the quality of public and private services, being jointly responsible for this impact together with its suppliers and clients.

As part of its positive impact, EULEN Group makes a direct contribution to the economic and social development of all the communities where it operates, becoming an important economic and social agent of change.

The EULEN Group follows principles based on models of business excellence, adopting, as part of its values, an attitude of dialogue and transparency towards all stakeholders, aligning our model with ethical and social commitments and promoting, at all times, responsible taxation. The EULEN Group’s compliance with its social and tax obligations and its relations with the social and tax authorities are based on pillars such as integrity, prudence and transparency, which is why the EULEN Group has implemented internal procedures, action protocols and technological tools, with the aim of controlling and minimising the social and tax risk of its businesses.

In 11 countries with 97 nationalities around the world
Social programmes
Contribution to social programmes. Collaboration with 351 organisations
kwh - Energy
80% of the electrical energy consumed comes from renewable sources.
Sustainable development in the community

At EULEN Group, our objective is to contribute to the sustainable development and prosperity of the community and the environment in which we operate.

Sustainability reports

Global Reporting Initiative has certified the Corporate Responsibility report EULEN. Therein is a reflection of our commitment to contribute actively to the social and economic development of the countries in which we operate.