Grupo EULEN is governed by a set of principles and values that make up the code of conduct that all employees adhere and that includes the set of values, principles and criteria that should guide their behavior in the exercise of professional activity.
Product acceptance implies adherence to a framework of values that ensures the possibility of performing your work in an environment of absolute respect for the individual, society and the environment.
Grupo EULEN wants to provide a channel of communication with its governing bodies that serves as an instrument for reporting any irregularity or conduct contrary to the law, to the principles contained in the Group’s Code of Ethics, or any conduct that could lead to the commission of any type of crime.
This channel guarantees compliance with the principles that inspire the legal system, such as the right to confidentiality and the duty of secrecy, the right to protection of the whistleblower and the absence of reprisals against notifications made in good faith, as well as the right to information, to defence, to the presumption of innocence and to the honour of the interested parties.
Furthermore, the EULEN Group guarantees whistleblowers that reports may be submitted in an identified or anonymous manner, applying the necessary technical and organisational measures.
*Grupo EULEN is committed to the continuous improvement of its reporting model for the prevention of crimes and infractions within the organization. As part of this commitment, since 2015, a whistleblowing mailbox has been publicly available on our website which, in 2023, was replaced by this Whistleblowing Channel.