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Temporary employment

We are experts in finding the right professional profiles for each company. We unify document management through a client and collaborator portal that simplifies their relationship.

Our extensive experience in the human resources sector and the most advanced technology at the service of recruitment have earned us the trust and commitment of hundreds of companies that, like yours, are looking for the right worker at the right time.

We are experts in finding the right professional profiles for each company, task or activity, and in achieving maximum efficiency in processes and document management, thus simplifying the search for candidates and avoiding delays or setbacks.

Our team of consultants will guarantee the suitability of the selected profiles to your specific needs.


Specific services of temporary employment agencies

We provide the following services:


Platform based on Oracle technology, which allows us to manage the entire selection process in an efficient and integrated way by performing the following functions:
Publish vacancies, manage applications, consult the candidate's profile, pre-select candidates, carry out searches and consult the candidate's history.
Invite to interviews and record all the information derived, invite to online assessment tests (competences, knowledge, etc.), generate the results report, obtain accompanying documentation from the candidate (European CV, photograph, cover letter, other documents, etc.).

Biometric signature.

Both the employment contracts and the PRL annexes are signed using this technology, which allows the documents to be digitised, thus providing maximum legal guarantees.

Telematic signature.

Telematic signature of both the employment contract and the PRL annexes through the employee's email, thanks to the use of a digital notary that guarantees the veracity and inviolability of the sending. This tool allows us maximum flexibility in incorporations and reduces incorporation times, which avoids unnecessary travel by the employee and provides all the legal guarantees.


All recruitment processes are centralised in this application, which allows them to be managed simultaneously (either by biometric or telematic means), as well as communicating the movements to the Social Security and the contrat@ system.

Digital signature of DPC (Provisioning Contracts).

Both the client and EULEN Flexiplán can sign commercial contracts electronically through the client portal thanks to the use of a certificate. The documentation is stored on our servers, accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Virtual dossier.

All the documentation generated in the different processes (selection, recruitment, etc.) is stored in digital format in the virtual file of each worker. The client has the possibility of accessing each one of them through the client website, in real time, which facilitates the administrative management of client companies.

What are eco-offices and how do they help in day-to-day life?

ECO-OFFICES, intelligent systems to make our lives easier.

These ECO-OFFICES allow us to maintain a close relationship with you and your team, and to collaborate without the need for paperwork. Thanks to In House solutions, based on reciprocity and knowledge sharing, we can build loyalty with the most suitable candidates and present continuous improvement plans in all the areas involved (Occupational Risk Prevention, training, consultancy, legal advice and temporary employment).

Through EULEN Flexiplán, we carry out recruitment, selection and hiring of professionals based on intelligent technological systems, the so-called ECO-OFFICES, solutions designed to guarantee the success of the process, add extra comfort to your company and guarantee a permanent and direct relationship between our team and your human resources department.

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