
GENERAL TERMS OF USE<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

1. Legal Notices.<\/strong>
In compliance with the established in Law 34\/2002 of July 11, of the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and with Directive 2000\/31\/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of June 8, in relation to certain aspects of the Information Society Services, the user is hereby informed that this is the corporate website of GRUPO EULEN companies whose details are the following:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 29, Bilbao (Vizcaya)
CIF: A28517308
Registered in the Companies Registry of Vizcaya, volume BI-747 of the General section of companies, folio 152 vto., sheet number BI-5581-A.
Telephone number: +34 900 355 366<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: C\/ Gobelas, 29, Madrid
CIF: A28369395
Registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, volume 14043, folio 97, section 8, sheet M-49261.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: C\/ Gobelas, 29, Madrid
CIF: A79406575
Registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, general volume 164, folio 135, sheet M-3309.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: C\/ Gobelas, 29, Madrid
CIF: A79022299
Registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, volume 2799, folio 207, section 8, sheet M-48228.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: C\/ Gobelas, 29, Madrid
CIF: A28904837
Registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, volume 3050, folio 1, section 8, sheet M-51179.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: C\/ Gobelas, 29, Madrid
CIF: A78387172
Registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, volume 1846, folio 162, sheet M-33268.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: C\/ Gobelas, 29, Madrid
CIF: A83672113
Registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, volume 18,918, folio 129, section 8, sheet M-330247.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Registered Office: C\/ Gobelas, 29, Madrid
CIF: A84123421
Registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, volume 20.500, book 0, folio 156, section 8, sheet M-362798.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

2. Scope.<\/strong>
These general conditions regulate the access and use of the various contents and services included in or accessible through the website developed by GRUPO EULEN companies (hereinafter GRUPO EULEN), located in the www.eulen.com address (hereinafter, the website).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

3. Users.<\/strong>
The use of the website and any services therein attributes the condition of user and the acceptance without reservations of any kind, of each and every one of these general conditions and of those other particular ones, if any, governing the use of the website or the services related thereto.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

If the user decides not to accept all or part of these conditions, it should refrain from accessing the website and from using its contents or services.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

4. Services offered.<\/strong>
Through its website, GRUPO EULEN offers the following:
1. Information concerning GRUPO EULEN, its services, products and facilities.
2. Information on the activity sectors in which GRUPO EULEN companies are present.
3. Summary of news of interest.
4. Jobs vacancies.
5. Training courses.
6. Possibility to contact the Group companies to request information, make a suggestion or submit a job application.
7. Placing of a products and services catalog with special terms and conditions for site users who meet the requirements, which are detailed to that effect for each of the products or services offered.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

GRUPO EULEN reserves the right to withdraw, modify or extend the services rendered without prior notice.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Unless otherwise stated, the services offered by GRUPO EULEN through this website are free of charge. However, GRUPO EULEN may, at its sole will, stop providing all or part of the free services, and demand, from the moment it takes such a decision, a price or consideration therefore.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The goods or services provided in exchange for a price are subject to particular conditions prevailing on these general terms and conditions and to a fully transparent contracting process. Should the user decide to purchase any good or service that is not free, it will receive full information on the conditions of the procurement procedure and before final acceptance.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

5. User Obligations.<\/strong>
By simply accessing the website or any of its related services, the user agrees to use them diligent and correctly, in accordance with these terms and conditions and in accordance with the law, morality and public order, and it assumes, among others, the following obligations:
1. No using the contents and in particular the information obtained through the website for sending advertising messages for sales or any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data.
2. Not removing the signs identifying the rights (intellectual, industrial or otherwise) of GRUPO EULEN, of each of its companies or of that of third parties appearing on the website and in each of the various services offered through it.
3. Likewise, the user must refrain from evading or manipulating any technical device established by GRUPO EULEN or third parties, whether in the website, in any of the services or any material, item or information obtained through it, for the protection of their rights.
4. Not using or applying technical, logical or technological resources through which users can benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, of the unauthorized exploitation of contents or services of the website.
5. Not entering, storing or transmitting through the website or through any of the services linked thereto, any software, data, virus, code and generally, to refrain from carrying out actions that in any way could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the website, equipment, systems, networks, software, data or information of GRUPO EULEN, its suppliers or any user or in general, any third party, or to prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the website or services linked thereto.
6. Being liable for the damages likely to be suffered by GRUPO EULEN, its employees, suppliers, customers, other users and third parties in general, as a result of a breach of these conditions or other particular ones that may apply to services related to the website, undertaking to indemnify GRUPO EULEN, employees, customers and suppliers from and against any claim, action or penalty that may be made or imposed as a direct or indirect result of that breach.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

6. Intellectual and Industrial property.<\/strong>
The user acknowledges and accepts ownership by GRUPO EULEN companies of intellectual and industrial property rights of the website and the elements that comprise it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Including but not limited thereto, such ownership includes: the site itself, the screens, information and material included therein, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, computer software, messages, graphs, drawings, sound and \/ or image files, photographs, recordings, computer programs (\u201cSoftware\u201d), databases, technology, computer equipment, know-how, trademarks, distinguishing signs, logos, domain names, and in general, any kind of creation or material accessible through the website.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The user acknowledges and also accepts the existence of intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties on the above mentioned elements, which it also undertakes to respect.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The only use of the website, of its contents and services that GRUPO EULEN authorizes is the personal use of each user, without being allowed to carry out, directly or indirectly, any commercial exploitation of neither the services or the materials, elements and information obtained through them. Consequently, the user may only download the contents, copy or print any page of this website for private use and provided that this does not infringe the copyright or any other right of GRUPO EULEN. This authorization for private copying does not imply granting any license or right of exploitation whatsoever in favor of the user.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Unless expressly authorized by GRUPO EULEN or, where appropriate, by third-party owners, the user may not reproduce, alter, modify, disassemble, perform reverse engineering, distribute, rent, loan, exhibit, transmit, broadcast, digitize, translate, adapt , make available or allow access to the public through any means of public communication to any of the elements mentioned in the previous paragraphs.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

7. Personal Data Protection.<\/strong>
Through this web page, GRUPO EULEN companies (www.eulen.com) collect personal data from those users or clients who consent to provide such data.
Users must refrain from entering through the website data that reveal ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union affiliation, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, health data or data related to their sex life or sexual orientation.
GRUPO EULEN companies undertake to fulfil their obligation of secrecy of personal data and their duty to keep such data safeguarded through the use of security measures, both technical and organizational, to ensure their safety, avoid their modification, loss, deterioration, processing or unauthorized access and the possible risks to which they may be exposed. For his\/her part, the user undertakes to ensure that the information provided is accurate and to update same in the event of any modification.
Users who provide their personal data to the GRUPO EULEN companies consent to them being collected, kept and processed in accordance with the provisions of these conditions and of the privacy policies detailed below. Therefore, any user who does not want their data to be processed in the above-mentioned way should not enter them.
If you want to know the privacy policies of the personal data collected through this website, click on the corresponding link:
\u2013 Privacy policy applicable to training and selection (\u201cFIND YOUR JOB\u201d): https:\/\/www.eulen.com\/es\/en\/personal-data-protection-data-information\/<\/a>
\u2013 Privacy policy applicable to commercial relations (\u201cCONTACT\u201d): 
\u2013 Privacy policy applicable to claims and complaints (\u201cCLAIMS INBOX\u201d): 

8. Cookies.<\/strong>
Cookies are text files that a website sends to the browser and that are stored on the user\u2019s computer in order to store and retrieve information about the browsing that is carried out from that computer (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Our website uses own and third-party cookies in order to improve browsing services. You can reject or disable the use of cookies through your browser options, as indicated herein.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

In this regard, GRUPO EULEN pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), recently amended by the \u201cRoyal Decree-Law 13\/2012,\u201d March 30, which transposes into Spanish law Directive 2002\/58\/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, informs the user in a clear and complete manner that its website (www.eulen.com) uses third-party cookies, for example, Google Analytics, Quantcast, Adroll, AppNexus and ic.tynt necessary for the provision of their services.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

These cookies will be used by GRUPO EULEN in order to track user browsing information on the site, to collect user input and to improve the quality of the services provided.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Depending on the time they remain and the purpose for which the data collected through the cookies are used for, there are several types.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Thus, initially, cookies may be \u201csession cookies\u201d, which expire when the user finishes browsing and shuts the browser down, and \u201cpermanent cookies\u201d, expiring when they have fulfilled the function for which they are intended or when the user deletes them.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Likewise, depending on the purpose for which they are used, cookies may be:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Analytical Cookies.- <\/strong>Analytical cookies collect information to evaluate your use of the Web and the general activity thereof. Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing website usage.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Social Cookies.-<\/strong> Social Cookies are required for external social networks (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinteres, Discus, etc.). Their function is to control the interaction with social widgets within the site.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Cookies of affiliates.-<\/strong> Cookies of affiliates allow to track visits from other websites, with whom GRUPO EULEN has an affiliation agreement.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Advertising and behavioral cookies.-<\/strong> Advertising and behavioral cookies provide information about your personal preferences and choices in this website. They allow to adapt the contents of advertising for it to be relevant to the user and to avoid showing ads that the user has already seen.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Technical cookies.- <\/strong>Technical cookies are strictly necessary for the use of this website, allowing the user to browse through the website or for the application and use of the various options or services existing therein.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Customization cookies.-<\/strong> These allow users access to the service with some general features predefined in your computer or defined by the actual user. For example, the language, the type of browser through which you access the service, the design of the selected contents, geolocation of the computer and the regional setting where you access the service from.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Third-party Cookies.-<\/strong> In some web pages you can install third-party cookies which allow you to manage and improve the services offered.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The list of cookies used may be modified depending on the inclusion or exclusion of the web services and applications.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To manage the activities of the cookies from your computer, you can explicitly accept, block or delete them. If you do not do this and continue browsing on the web, it will be understood that you accept them.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Should you wish at any time to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies, you should delete the cookies stored on your computer (PC or mobile device) through the adjustments and settings of your Internet browser.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To learn how to configure the management of cookies in your browser, you can consult the following links for the main browsers and devices:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

For Internet Explorer\u2122:

For Chrome\u2122:

For Firefox\u2122:

For Opera\u2122:

For Android

For Windows Phone

By blocking the use of cookies in your browser, you can render some services or website features unavailable.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

9. Warranties and liabilities.<\/strong>
GRUPO EULEN undertakes every effort to ensure the availability and continuity of the website and the services related thereto. However, GRUPO EULEN can not guarantee the website and its related services to function properly at all times, or the user to access and use them speedily, uninterruptedly and error free. Likewise, GRUPO EULEN does not grant any warranty as to the suitability and contents of the website or any of the services linked thereto in order to satisfy the specific needs of the user.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

GRUPO EULEN will act diligently according to the general uses accepted in the sector to avoid the presence on the website or any of the services linked thereto of viruses or other harmful elements that may cause alterations in the computer system of the user, in its electronic documents or files, but it can not guarantee the absence of such elements, not being liable for any damages that may result therefrom.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

GRUPO EULEN does not control, or endorse, or guarantee the accuracy, quality, truthfulness, reliability or suitability of the information and services provided by third parties or through the website. Similarly, it does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements in the contents or services provided or made available by third parties through the website.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

GRUPO EULEN does not guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy or completeness of the contents and services available on sites owned or operated by third parties that the user may access through linking devices (\u201clinks\u201d) from the website . GRUPO EULEN does not control the contents of such web sites and does not offer or sell products and services available on the linked web sites, and neither does it assume responsibility for any consequence thereof.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

10. Hyperlinks.<\/strong>
GRUPO EULEN only authorizes the establishment of hyperlinks to its websites when conducted in accordance with the conditions detailed below.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Should the user wish to include in a website a hyperlink to any of the web sites of GRUPO EULEN, such hyperlink will not lead to any confusion regarding the absence of linkage between GRUPO EULEN and the actual user, nor will it induce to believing that any of the contents of the user\u2019s website have been performed by or have the approval or support of GRUPO EULEN.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The web page in which the hyperlink is established will not contain any trademark, trade name, name, logo or other signs owned by GRUPO EULEN, except those contained in the hyperlink itself.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The user must set the hyperlink so that Internet users access and view the full contents and settings you have at any time on the Homepage of the GRUPO EULEN website, without such contents, in whole or in part, appearing framed by the website where the hyperlink or any contents thereof being included and without the site contents of GRUPO EULEN appearing inserted, superimposed or visible in any way together with other contents, whether informative, advertising or any other type other than the own homepage of GRUPO EULEN. In this sense, no \u201cframing\u201d operations will be carried out or any other operation that would prevent Internet users that use the hyperlink to be able to see the GRUPO EULEN website in the same condition in which any other user who had had directly access could see it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The user shall refrain from any action that could result in a diversion of traffic of the GRUPO EULEN site. In particular, the user will not enter, either as metatag or otherwise in the source code of its website any keyword identifying a content or product of GRUPO EULEN and whose inclusion would not be justified by the existence of similar contents or products of the user.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

It is forbidden to establish hyperlinks from websites including contents, links, advertisements or any other material that could damage the image of GRUPO EULEN, including, in particular, those materials which are: contrary to law, to public order or customs generally accepted; that infringe the rights of third parties; that denigrate the products of GRUPO EULEN or its competitors; sexual or violent; that promote any kind of discrimination of a racial, sexual, religious discrimination, age or sexual orientation nature, and any other contents which at the free judgment of GRUPO EULEN is not compatible with the rights, image or interests of GRUPO EULEN.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

11. Jurisdiction.<\/strong>
Expressly waiving their own jurisdiction GRUPO EULEN companies and users of the website submit any disputes arisen or to arise to the Courts of the place of residence of the user, whenever it is a legal person and has residence in Spain, and to those of Madrid City in any other case.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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